This website uses cookies. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.

At the primary goal is to protect the privacy of the website visitors and for this reason, the organization adheres to a strict policy. By using our website you agree to the use of cookies in accordance with this policy.

You can delete all cookies that are already on your device by clearing the browsing history of your browser. This will remove all cookies from all websites you have visited.
Be aware though that you may also lose some saved information (e.g. saved login details, site preferences).
We would like to assure you that for Kopanos-store the protection of the personal data of our customers, as well as the persons with whom we have any business relationship (such as for example our partners and suppliers) is of paramount importance. That is why we are taking appropriate steps to protect the personal data we process and to ensure that the processing of personal data is always carried out in accordance with the obligations laid down by the legal framework, both by the Company itself and by third parties processing personal data on account of the Company.
Kopanos-store Company informs you that, for the purposes of its business activities, it processes personal data of its customers, as well as of the persons with whom it has any business relationship in accordance with the applicable national law and European Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (General Regulation Data Protection Law, hereinafter "Regulation") as in force.
In order to further facilitate your visits using your technology of choice, we automatically record the browser and operating system used by each visitor, as well as the name of the Internet service provider of each visitor. We also record the total number of visitors to the website in an aggregated manner in order to update and improve our website. No personal information is exported through this process. These data show us whether more visitors prefer specific functions or sections of the website over others, which helps us keep our website up to date with new material that is interesting for the majority of our visitors.
The Company, acting in accordance with the principles of legality, objectivity, accuracy, transparency, integrity, and confidentiality, purpose limitation, minimizing and limiting the storage period, processes the data of the users that it acquires with legal (Article 5 of EU Regulation 679/2016), solely subject to the consent of the data subject user. The Company declares that it lawfully processes the data of the users it collects in a manner that is legitimate and lawfully, for defined, explicit and legitimate purposes and which are subject to fair and lawful processing in view of these purposes. 
If you wish to enable or disable the use of cookies from your browser settings, depending on your browser, visit the following web pages to learn about the necessary actions:
Safari for iPad and iPhone
If you do not agree to Our Cookie Policy, please stop using Our Site immediately. If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.
Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or application. Your web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, or Chrome) then sends these cookies back to the website or application on each subsequent visit so that they can recognize you and remember things like whether you are logged into a members-only area or other preferences.
As well as helping the website to function by allowing for members-only areas, shopping carts, etc, there are other functions that cookies perform - such as to make advertising more relevant to your interests and to help the site owners track who is visiting their site - e.g. where the user is from, which browser the user accesses the site with, which site referred the user to them and so on. This information can then be used to improve the web browsing experience for all users of the site.
Websites mainly use cookies to:
  • identify their users,
  • "memorize" the customized preferences of their users,
  • help their users complete their tasks without having to re-enter information while browsing from one page to another or when they visit the site later
Cookies can also be used for so-called behavioral target advertising on the Internet and to display ads related to something that the user has searched for in the past.
How do we use cookies?
The web server supplying the webpage can store a cookie on the user’s computer or mobile device. An external web server that manages files included or referenced in the webpage is also able to store cookies. Another way of storing cookies is through JavaScript code contained or referenced in that page.
In general, we use the following cookies:
  1. Necessary Cookies: These cookies allow our website to function properly. If you are a registered user, these cookies recognize you granting you access to the services offered to registered users. Browsing cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of our website.
  2. Functional Cookies: These cookies allow our website to recognize you each time you visit it. These cookies are not necessary for the proper functioning of the website but improve the quality of browsing experience.
  3. Statistical Cookies: These cookies are used to collect data in an anonymous and condensed form and to conduct statistical analyses about the browsing of our website by users. The Company processes the results of these analyses anonymously and exclusively for statistical reasons.
  4. Marketing Cookies: These cookies are used for the creation of user profiles in order to send advertisements based on user preferences during the visit to the website, or to optimize browsing. During your browsing on our website, these cookies are used to show you recipes that might interest you, or recipes similar to the ones you have already seen. We might share this information with third parties, as detailed in our Privacy Policy.

Types of cookies

  • Technical Cookies, essential for the correct functioning of the website and to provide the service offered and requested by a user;
  • Profiling Cookies, used to create user profiles based on personal choices and preferences, in order to send adverts in line with the profile created.


Depending on their duration, cookies are either “temporary/session” cookies or “permanent” cookies.

The lifetime of a cookie can be defined in two ways:

  • Temporary/Session cookies are deleted when the current session ends. The browser defines when the "current session" ends, and some browsers use session restoring when restarting, which can cause session cookies to last indefinitely long.
  • Permanent cookies are deleted at a date specified by the Expires attribute, or after a period of time specified by the Max-Age attribute.

They can also be defined as: 

  • First-party cookies are cookies set by the website you’re visiting. Only that website can read them. 
  • In addition, a website might potentially use external services, which also set their own cookies, known as third-party cookies.

Cookies used by this site and their purpose:

  1. Proprietary cookies, session cookies, or permanent cookies necessary to browse the Site for purposes of internal security and system management
  2. Cookies of third parties, permanently cookies, used by the Website to send statistical information to Google Analytics through which the Company can perform a statistical analysis of access / visits to the Site. The cookies used serve purely statistical purposes and collect information in aggregated form. Using two Cookies, Permanent Cookies, and Session Cookies (expiring when the browser is closed), Google Analytics also stores a log with the start and exit times of the Website.
As you may know, each Internet browser allows the deletion of cookies after each session. Your Internet browser contains instructions on how to carry out these procedures of deletion. Please access the appropriate instructions section on your Internet browser if you wish to delete cookies.

Your acceptance of our automatic procedures of collection of data and the use of cookies is necessary to take advantage of many features and services offered by our site, including the purchase of products. If you set your browser to block or delete cookies, we cannot guarantee that you will have access to all the features and services offered by our site (for example, your computer may not be able to display the image of the product you are in the process of purchasing).

You can easily activate the “Do Not Track Signal” by accessing the DNT instructions section of your browser through the following links:

IE: Open Internet Explorer and select the Tools button.

Firefox: Open Firefox on your computer. In the upper right-hand corner of the browser, click the “menu bars,” which look like three parallel lines, and click the “Privacy” tab. Here you can select “Clear your recent history.”

Chrome: On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More. Click More tools. Clear browsing data.

Safari: Go to the “Settings” menu. On the settings menu, look for “Privacy & Security” and select “Clear private data.”


Should you require any assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Last modified: September 01, 2021 

These terms of use shall be construed to have been accepted once a visitor / user enters and browses the site of Kopanos store. Such an acceptance implies explicit, unreserved and irrevocable agreement of the visitor/user to comply with these terms.
In case of disagreement with any of the Terms, the visitor / user must leave and make no further use of the Kopanos store website by notifying the administrator thereof, should they wish so.
Kopanos store reserves the right to amend the terms of use at any time and without justification, and such amendments shall be taken into consideration only if they are made in writing and are incorporated herein. Therefore, visitors/users are recommended to review the content of these terms from time to time. In case of nullity, in whole or in part, or failure to implement individually any of these terms, the validity of all the other terms shall not be affected. Any void which may be generated in the agreement between the website and the visitor/user because of the invalid term shall be filled with new or modified terms which will correspond, where possible, to the legal purpose of each invalid term. In all cases, the above-mentioned shall also apply to those matters that are not explicitly regulated in the Terms of Use.
Given the nature and volume of the Internet, under any circumstances, including in the event of negligence, the website is not liable for any damage to the visitor/user of the pages and/or services.
Kopanos store may not be held liable under any circumstances for any damage and/or for any other negative effect that may result from the access to this content and/or the use of the information and services provided therein. All content and services of Kopanos store shall be provided “as is”.
Kopanos store shall not be held responsible for (i) content available on other sites or Internet sources accessible through hypertext links inserted on the Website (and in particular owing to advertisements, Products, services or any other information) neither (ii) for any damages of any kind resulting from visiting those sites.
The Customer acknowledges the limits of the Internet and methods of electronic communication. Consequently, Kopanos store shall not be held liable for non-availability of the Website or for any difficulties in connecting or for any interruptions in connection while visiting the Website or when placing an Order.
The content provided has been created with the greatest care. For the accuracy, completeness, reliability, usability, and timeliness of the content, Kopanos store cannot guarantee it. The respective user is therefore generally obliged to professionally check or to have professionally checked the suitability of all content for its intended use.
Unless otherwise provided, the Website is accessible at any place whatsoever, as long as the minimum technical conditions are respected, particularly in terms of access to the Internet network, to the mobile telephony network, and to the technical compatibilities of the equipment used. In view of the worldwide nature of the Internet network, the Customer agrees to comply with all rules of public policy concerning the behavior of the users of the Internet network and applicable in the country from which he uses the Website.
Under this agreement, the visitor/user of the website must conform to the statutory and regulatory provisions currently in force, and, at the same time, refrain from the following illegal and abusive uses of the content and the services of the Company’s website.
The user is responsible for the information he provides to the Company and the website is solely based on his/her statements regarding his/her personal information. 
Τhe use of the website is the sole responsibility of the visitor-Customer. The Company is not responsible for the malicious intervention of third parties. The users of the website undertake that they will not harm third parties by malicious use of the website and that they will not violate their personal data.
Visitors/users are explicitly not allowed to:
  1. distribute content that is unlawful, insulting, vulgar, pornographic, threatening, libelous, harassing, harmful for minors, or discriminatory on grounds of nationality, race, or others;
  2. violate third-party intellectual or other property rights, including trademarks and secrets, as well as patents;
  3.  include any viruses, malware, pop-ups, and spams that may cause either temporary or permanent damage/malfunction to any hardware or software of a computer and, in general, of electronic devices or may cause delays, interferences, and interruptions in the operations of servers or a telecommunication network;
  4. contain false statements in relation to the identity of the user or emulation of any (natural or legal) person.
  5. violate in any way laws and provisions of applicable law.
The visitor/user of Kopanos store is obliged not to use the website in order to perform the above-mentioned actions which could result in a criminal prosecution or the initiation of a civil or administrative proceeding against the Company for actions indicatively, not exclusively, referred to in the Criminal Code, special criminal laws, legislation on personal data protection, legislation on telecommunications, as well as to the legislation of European Union, National Telecommunications Committee, Personal Data Protection Authority and any other Public or Administrative Authority and Agency; as well as for actions that could infringe upon any right or other lawful interest of the Company or a third party.

In case a third party brings a legal action against the Company for the infringement of any of its lawful rights, which, according to the text of the Terms of Use, falls within the scope of visitor’s/user’s liability, the Company reserves the right to pursue remedies against them. Along with any third-party claims, the Company reserves the right to demand compensation from the visitor/user for violating the Terms of Use and for any legal consequence arising therefrom.

In any case, by accessing and using, you agree that the exceptions and limitations on liability set out herein are rational and proportionate.

With the help of appropriate links within it is possible to provide access to third party websites. The installation of these links has been done for the sole purpose of facilitating visitors / users during their internet browsing. It is by no means an indication of acceptance or approval of the content of the websites listed below.
Each link leads to a different website and its browsing is subject to the Terms of Use of that website. and the Company shall have no liability whatsoever in terms of the content and the personal data management policy of the website indicated with a link. Access to a third-party website via the relevant link takes place under the sole responsibility of the visitor/user.

The present terms of use, including their amendments, are governed and supplemented, where necessary, by Greek and Community law, as well as by the relevant international treaties and are under the jurisdiction of the courts of Thessaloniki. wishes any disputes that may arise from its use and / or the interpretation of these terms of use, to be resolved amicably and out of court. For this reason, in case you, as a visitor / user, find any problematic information in the content of the website, please inform the administrator immediately at

Terms of Use latest update: May 2021